Spokesman Review


         How do you get on the path to selfless living? Start here...

In her new book "Ordinary Grace," psychologist KathleenBrehonyargues that each of us has the potential to make the world a better place by helping others. "But many of us are isolated, lonely,  self- absorbed, and overwhelmed by the demands of daily life," she writes. "We seek meaning, but don't know how to find it." Brehony offers these suggestions:

 1. Wake up. Possibilities for finding grace are everywhere - in our families, our peers, strangers on the street, and in ourselves. Follow your heart. Asking questions such as "What is important in my life? What's missing from it?" is a good way to start the journey.

 2. Be prepared for pain as well as joy. There's a natural tendency to look away from pain. But the  removal of barriers between ourselves and others has a mysterious nurturing force - we recognize our unity.

 3. Start where you are. Don't wait to journey beyond your own neighborhood to express grace.  Decide that you want to be kinder, more generous, more compassionate, and it will happen.

 4. Simplify and scale down. The more you listen to your heart, the more your priorities will fall into  place and irrelevancies will seem like just that.

 5. Recognize the spiritual ties between people. Regardless of your religion or philosophy, all great  traditions teach the same truths about how we should live in the world.

 6. Understand and celebrate differences between people. To help others, we must not only tolerate but also embrace their individuality.

 7. Put belief into action. Endless reflecting on one's convictions pales in comparison to acting on them.

 8. Find grace in small things. Simple gestures contribute to the greater whole.

 9. Model good behavior. Children will emulate what they observe.

 10. Begin now. Don't wait until you are on your deathbed wishing you had lived differently.

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